Vlogi in videoposnetki

Izdelovanje topografskega zemljevida V vlogu je prikazan postopek izdelave topografskega zemljevida s programoma QGIS in Google Earth ter s spletno stranjo GPS...

Nam šola vzame preveč prostega časa?

DOES SCHOOL TAKE TOO MUCH FREE TIME? Have you ever felt overwhelmed with school work and thought that school takes too much of your free time? The vast majority of pupils, students and parents believe that school work at home takes too much free time. Consequently,...

Ekskurzija v Ljubljano

A REPORT ON EXCURSION TO LJUBLJANA The aim of this report is to describe a school excursion to Ljubljana, held on September 17th 2021. The excursion was attended by 2nd grade students of Jesenice Grammar School and it was organised as a part of ITS subject that...